You, the inexplicably audacious author, has no doubt realized that this is not the blog of your grandfather, or of two weeks ago for that matter. The ever self-bettering author has decided to take upon himself a task larger than that of Atlas holding the world upon his shoulders: updating more often. Yes indeed, he won’t be the always loquacious but lethargically lazy letter wrangler that he’s been in the past. The reader’s renaissance is at hand and as such the management expects you to visit more often, or he’ll probably get bored and just updated monthly. So please comment. The best part is that it’s free! That’s right, for an unlimited time offer, commenting on this blog will be free of charge. Or as the Koreans say: Service! So you should really get on that, because if you don’t, you’re basically just saying that you despise anything and everything you saw or read on this blog and that’s not how you feel, right? So show a little love and get on that. Anyway, read about some stuff that happened.
At the beginning of the month I had the immense pleasure of going to Cirque du Soleil’s Varekai with his pretty girlfriend. The circus tent and seats were all made just for Cirque du Soleil and the atmosphere was crazy cool. There were amazing acrobatics and some comic relief as well-- in all, a really good show. I don’t know how to describe it really. I couldn’t take any photos inside the tent but I’m posting a youtube video of some stuff we got to see.
Tuesday my school had our Spring Picnic field trip. We headed out into the country, into Gyeonggido and went to an organic strawberry farm. The kids were able to gorge themselves on strawberries and even mock make strawberry jam. Aside from having to get to work slightly earlier than normal, I can’t really complain. I’d like more all you can eat strawberry adventures that I get paid to go on.
This month I joined a gym! It’s in no way as cool as my gym last year but it’s called Chocolate Fitness, so it has that going for it. It’s also next door to a Domino’s Pizza and the deliciousness wafts right in some days. I’m quite reticent to go actually have some Domino’s but it still smells bomb.
Last but not least, I’m being retired from art teacher—which was probably my favorite hour out of any day, and being reposted as gym teacher. Apparently my enthusiasm has been noted and redistributed. Does anyone know any good games for tiny kids in a really small space? The gym is only about a 20ft by 40ft space. Then again, I have no idea how to measure with my eyes.
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