Thursday, May 19, 2011

2 Cabbages, 5 Jars, 3 Dudes and No Idea

When I got back home to the US in September, one of the first things I did was go on the YouTube, look up how to make kimchi, and do it. Here I am cutting the Napa Cabbage.

Blending my own sauce.

This was the fun part.

We look like we killed something. Me on the right, a Mr. Alex Pearson on the left.

It wasn't the best stuff ever. One jar even molded. However, it was great for cooking with. I'll have better luck next time I hope.

(Photo credits to Mark Gifford and his expensive camera)

1 comment:

  1. It def turned out better than the kimchi I got at uwajimaya the other day that had some weird pickled radish in it.
